



Fee Regulatory Committee(Technical),

2nd Floor,Room No.126,

ACPC Building,

L.D.College of Engg.Campus,

Opp Gujarat University,


Ahmedabad - 380 015

Phone : 079-29709237

Email :



Latest News & Events
  • 23/08/2024-Fee Structure determined for the institutions proposing fee rise up to an aggregate 5 % of its existing fee for the year 2023-24 for the entire fee block up to 2025-26
  • 23/08/2024-Fee Structure for the institution started in the year 2024-25 (Phase-2)
  • 30/07/2024_Circular regarding declaration of the Fee structure for the fee block period 2023-24 to 2025-26 for the institutions proposing rise above 5% of their base notional fee of the year 2022-23
  • 24/07/2024_Corrigendum in relation to circular : FRC/NewInst_2024-25/2024/Phase-1/77 Dated 10/07/2024 (Vanita Vishram Uni and MSU-SFI)
  • 16/07/2024_Circular for the institutions offering technical programs for 'Working Prefessionals' from the year 2024-25
  • 16/07/2024_Circular inviting fee proposals for the years 2024-25 and 2025-26 for the institutions/programs started from the year 2023-24
  • 11/07/2024 Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2024-25 (Phase-1)
  • 18/06/2024 Circular for inviting proposals for the programs/institutions started from the academic year 2023-24
  • 07/06/2024_Circular for the year 2024-25 for (a) New institutions (b) New programs to be started in existing institutions (c) Institutions running the program which have been added under the purview of FRC (Technical) from 2024-25 and sample format for such institutions
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  • 28/12/2023_Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2023-24 (Third List)
  • 09/08/2023_Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2023-24 (Second List)
  • 09/08/2023_Provisional Fee structure for the year 2023-24 only for the institutions proposing raise above 5% of its existing fee of the year 2022-23 for the block from the year 2023-24 to 2025-26.
  • 27/07/2023- Fee structure determined for the institutions proposing raise up to an aggregate 5% of its existing fee for the year 2022-23 (including notional rise) for fee block from 2023-24 to 2025-26 (Third List)
  • 05/07/2023_Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2023-24 (First list)
  • 05/07/2023- Fee structure determined for the institutions proposing raise up to an aggregate 5% of its existing fee for the year 2022-23 (including notional rise) for fee block from 2023-24 to 2025-26 (Second List)
  • 05/07/2023_ Circular regarding Provision 2A of the Act
  • 05/07/2023_ Circular for reduction in fees based on the request of SIHM, Patan for the years 2023-24 to 2025-26
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  • 21/06/2023- Fee structure determined for the institutions proposing raise up to an aggregate 5% of its existing fee for the year 2022-23 (including notional rise) for fee block from 2023-24 to 2025-26.
  • 21/06/2023- List of the Institutions which have proposed the increase above 5% of its existing notional base fee for the year 2022-23. Their fee proposals are under consideration and fee structures will be announced in the due course of time.
  • 21/06/2023- List of the Institutions which have not submitted "Declaration cum Undertaking" in the prescribed format, hence their proposal is kept pending.
  • 21/06/2023- List of the Institutions which have not submitted fee proposals and informed the Committee about their closure of the Program.
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  • 05-06-2023- Considering the requests received from various institutions and trusts/sponsoring bodies which have given the consent to raise the fees above 5% of the existing fees for the year 2022-23 (including the notional rise granted by the FRC-T), the Committee has decided to extend the submission of proposal online till Date.13-06-2023, 5:00 pm and the hard copy submission till Date. 17-06-2023, 5:00 pm.
  • 22/05/2023 Circular for inviting proposals for the institutions proposing fee rise above 5% for the Fee block commencing from the year 2023-24.
  • 22/05/2023 Sample format for Declaration cum Undertaking for the institutions proposing fee rise above 5% for the Fee block commencing from the year 2023-24.
  • 22/05/2023 Sample format for Sponsoring Body Resolution for the institutions proposing fee rise above 5% for the Fee block commencing from the year 2023-24.
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  • 04/05/2023 Standard Operating Procedure for determination of the fees for the fee block commencing from the academic year 2023-24
  • 01/05/2023 Processing Fee Order for the fee block commencing from the year 2023-24 (Revised)
  • 24.04.2023 Notice for the year 2023-24 for (a) new institutions or (b) new programs to be started in existing institutions or (c) institutions running the program which have been added under the purview of FRC (Technical) and sample format for such institutions.
  • 21.04.2023 Sample format for sponsoring body resolution for those institutions proposed fee rise up to 5% for the Fee block commencing from the year 2023-24.
  • 21.04.2023 Sample format for Declaration cum Undertaking for those institutions proposed fee rise up to 5% for the Fee block commencing from the year 2023-24.
  • 20.04.2023 Circular for inviting fee proposals for the Fee block commencing from the year 2023-24.
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  • 06/04/2023 Corrigendum in relation to circular : FRC/FEE/2020-21 to 2022-23/306 Dated 09/09/2022 (Noble Star Engineering College, Junagadh)
  • 14/03/2023 Notice regarding trust contact details updation, Fee block 2023-24 to 2025-26
  • 27/02/2023 Important and Urgent for trust/Sponsoring body : Fee Block Year 2023-24 to 2025-26, Trust Contact Details Verification/Updation and suggestions for Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  • 23/01/2023 Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2022-23 (Third list)
  • 30/12/2022 Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2022-23 (Second list)
  • 30/12/2022 Corrigendum in relation to circular: FRC/FEE/2020-21 to 2022-23/306, dated 09/09/2022 (Arihant school of Pharmacy)
  • 30/12/2022 Corrigendum in relation to circular: FRC/FEE/2020-21 to 2022-23/306, dated 09/09/2022 (Dr. Subhash Technical Campus)
  • 30/12/2022 Corrigendum in relation to circular: FRC/NewInst_2020_21/323, dated 20/10/2022 (SCoPE, Anant University)
  • 20/10/2022 Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2022-23
  • 09/09/2022 Fee Structure determined for the year 2020-21,2021-22 and 2022-23
  • 20/04/2022 Notice for the year 2022-23 for (a) new institutions or (b) new programs to be started in existing institutions or (c) institutions running the program which have been added under the purview of FRC (Technical)
  • 17/03/2022 Corrigendum in relation to circular FRC/NewInst_2021_22/2022/207, 28-02-22
  • 28/02/2022 Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2020-21
  • 28/02/2022 Fee Structure for the Institutions started in the year 2021-22
  • 28/02/2022 Letter of Appreciation and list of the member institutions of the Association which have undertaken to maintain the status quo as regards to the fee chargeable from the student for the fee block year 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.
  • 28/02/2022 Letter of Appreciation and list of the PDEU institutions which have undertaken to maintain the status quo as regards to the fee chargeable from the student for the fee block year 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.
  • 28/02/2022 Letter of Appreciation and list of the Adarsh Foundation- SAL Group of Institutions which have undertaken to maintain the status quo as regards to the fee chargeable from the student for the fee block year 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.
  • 28/02/2022 Letter of Appreciation and list of the C. K. Pithawala, Surat institutions which have undertaken to maintain the status quo as regards to the fee chargeable from the student for the fee block year 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.
  • 28/02/2022 Letter of Appreciation to the institutions decided to provide fee-waiver to students who lost parents due to COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 28/02/2022 List of Institutions which has proposed NO RISE in existing fee of the year 2019-20 for the fee block year 2020-21 to 2022-23
  • 02/07/2021 Circular for submitting the fee proposals for the institutions which have proposed fee rise above 5% in the existing fees of the year 2019-20 for the fee block commencing from the year 2020-21
  • 02/07/2021 Format_Declaration cum Undertaking above 5% rise
  • 16/07/2020 Circular for inviting proposals for those institutions proposed fee rise above 5% for the Fee block commencing from the year 2020-21
  • 16/07/2020 Sample format for sponsoring body resolution for those institutions proposed fee rise above 5% for the Fee block commencing from the year 2020-21
  • 18/03/2020 Circular for inviting proposals for the Fee block commencing from the year 2020-21
  • 18/03/2020 Standard operating Procedure for determination of the fees for the fee block commencing from year 2020-21
  • 18/03/2020 Sample format for sponsoring body resolution
  • 18/03/2020 Sample format for Declaration cum Undertaking
  • 18/03/2020 Processing Fee Order for the fee block commenting from the year 20202-21 (Revised)
  • 02/07/2018 Honorirum Format for Expert Visit
  • 22/05/2018 Grievances Redressal Mechanism
  • 06/02/2018 New Email for correspondence with FRC (Technical)
  • 25/01/2018 Public Notice Gujarati Public Notice English
  • 25/01/2018 Notice to Self finance Professional Institues in Gujarat State
  • 15/09/2017 Circular regarding prohibition of collection of additional/excess fees/Deposit
  • Terms for Payment Gateway facility
  • T.A. Bill Form - Expert Visit (Excel Format) (PDF Format)
  • For any query Email :

    <October 2024>